Thursday, April 10, 2014

A Series of Unfortunate Events Part Two

First of all, I would like to apologize for the long gap between posts. I haven't had time to work on a post in a while. Now, to Part Two in this series of posts; 'A Series of Unfortunate Events'. As you remember we had been fighting the squirrels. We had just found out about fodder, so I started experimenting with it. After a couple of weeks of feeding it to them, we noticed our already low egg production, declining even more. We went from about 8 eggs a day to 7 eggs, 6 eggs, etc. until it gradually dwindled down to none. We didn't know what was wrong for a while. But, one morning my mom figured it out. A chickens feathers are formed primarily from protein. The fodder was a near 10 percent increase in protein from their feed. The result? They began to grow back their feathers. With all the feathers they were growing back, they didn't have enough protein to lay eggs.
After a few months of this, all their feathers were grown back. Unfortunately, by the time they had all their feathers grown back, it was nearing Fall. The dwindling daylight in fall, triggers a chicken owner's nemesis, the molt. They started showing signs of laying again, and that's when they went through a mini-molt.  Unlike a full blown molt, a mini-molt makes a chicken only lose a few feathers at a time, which are quickly replaced. We went through another month to two months dealing with this. As the mini-molt began to slow I began hoping that I would get some eggs, I had a light running for them and everything. Unfortunately, the worst, was yet to come.

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