Monday, September 22, 2014

Homemade Electrolyte Solution

There for a while my chickens wouldn't drink regular water, so I filtered their water, and added this electrolyte solution that my mom found online.

1 cup of water

1/8 tsp. Salt

1/8 tsp. Baking Soda

2 tsp. Sugar

Generous Dash of Cayenne Powder

Mix up, and add 1 cup for every gallon of water, or give 1 cup to any chicken that is too dehydrated.

Here are the links where we found this recipe.

I do not take any credit for the recipe. The only thing I altered was by adding the cayenne powder.

That's all for now. Keep visiting.


Sunday, September 21, 2014

Long Lapse in Posts

I'm back, sorry for the lapse in posts. It's been busy, and I've had several problems with my chickens, the babies are growing good, but I've lost several of my older chickens, I'm still trying to find out what happened. I'll let you know in a later post. That's all for today, I'll try and post some pictures of the babies soon. Keep visiting.
